Education – ACISE

The IFCU International Research Group in Education is called ACISE. Its members are Catholic institutions that grant university degrees in education.

The name of the network is:

• (in French) Association Catholique Internationale des Institutions de Sciences de l’Education;

• (In English) Association of Catholic Institutes of Education;

• (In Spanish) Asociación Católica Internacional de Institutiones de Ciencias de la Educación.

The acronym of the Association is ACISE.


ACISE is an International Research Group of the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU). Formed in 1989 on a voluntary and non-profit-making basis, it brings together institutions of higher education engaged in at least graduate level teaching and research in the field of education.

The aim of the Association is to promote mutual understanding and co-operation among the member institutes on academic, social and spiritual levels. It will do this by organising colloquia and joint research projects.

Executive Committee

The work of ACISE is co-ordinated by an Executive Committee which meets twice a year. Its current members are:

Francois Moog, Catholic Institute of Toulouse, France (President)

John Lydon, St Mary’s University, England (Secretary)

Nathanael Wallenhort, Catholic University of the West (UCO), Angers, France (Treasurer)

Leonardo Franchi, University of Notre Dame Australia (Communications)

Juan Carlos Torre Puente, Escuni, Madrid, Spain

Sr Martha Séïde, Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences “Auxilium”, Rome, Italy

Fr Marek Jeziorański, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland

Our Journal

• Educa International Journal of Catholic Education is open access and publishes articles in English, French and Spanish.

Forthcoming Events

ACISE has initiated a three years research project (2023-2026) on Educating in Trust, Educating for Trust

which is taking place in three stages:

• 2023 : Building Trust – Research Seminar – 27-28 January 2023, LUMSA, Rome, Italy

• 2024 : Inspiring Trust – International Research Symposium – 4-6 April 2024, KUL, Lublin, Poland

• 2025 : Towards a Charter of trust (Carta magna educationis) – Research seminar (January 2025, UCO, Arradon, France) and Catholic Education Conference (Summer 2025, Paris, France).