
Higher education is undergoing profound changes: the emergence of a global education market is tending to modify the economic models of our universities, making managerial competence more important. Changes in access to knowledge and information, the existence of social networks and the strengthening of communication technologies are modifying the relationship to knowledge and the transmission of knowledge; finally, the field of beliefs is changing, and obliges us to reconsider the Catholic identities of our institutions.

With a view to strengthening skills and sharing experiences, IFCU has created a Training Department and presents a catalogue of training courses to enable managers, teachers and researchers to carry out their mission in the best possible way in our Catholic universities.

IFCU runs a number of training courses open to the management teams of its member universities.

“Leading Catholic Universities in the 21st Century”
September 14-19,  2025 – Pontifical Irish College (Rome)

This program will enable rectors/presidents, but also vice-rectors, directors of large entities, and senior staff identified as potential future institutional leaders, to consider and develop the missions of their institution or entity, especially in the context of current and emerging issues confronting institutions in terms of Church priorities, changes in the international world of higher education and society.

The Changing Nature of Quality Assurance in Catholic Universities: an international perspective

2025 (Europe) – TBC

This practical thematic workshop is designed and delivered by IFCU (International Federation of Catholic Universities) , in collaboration with AVEPRO, (the Holy See Agency for the Evaluation and Promotion of Quality in Ecclesiastical Institutions).

It is designed to be interactive and will build on prior analyses by participants of their own universities in respect of Quality Assurance (QA) strategy and practice. It is intended to help participants evolve action priorities for
consideration and implementation on return to their institutions.

Liderar las universidades catolicas en el siglo XXI” – Spanish
September 29 – October 3, 2025 – Universidad Anahuac Cancun

Participants in this course will have an overview of global trends in higher education relevant to Latin America, in order to be able to make decisions with more confidence, with a deeper perspective of opportunities and new challenges. This seminar should also be an opportunity to create links with the other participating universities for future collaborations.

Contact: M. Loïc Roche –