Statement of support for the Lebanese Catholic university community
The International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU) particularly wishes to express its support for Lebanese Catholic higher education institutions and to emphasize that these institutions have always worked for peace, serving as places of tolerance and dialogue.
Click on the image to read the full Statement
In Memoriam
Franco Anelli (1963-2024)
On behalf of Catholic academia and its Administrative Board, the International Federation of Catholic Universities wishes to remember Franco Anelli as a man of great culture and humanity, an eminent academic who led with wisdom and foresight. He honored us with his presence at numerous meetings organized by the Federation over the past twenty years, the last of which was held on the occasion of the Federation’s centennial celebrations in Rome last January.
Our deepest condolences go to his family, friends and the entire community of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and Policlinico Gemelli, to which he dedicated his life.
Isabel Capeloa Gil – President
François Mabille – Secretary General
The IFCU Administrative Board

Pope Francis addresses the International Federation of Catholic Universities on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of its foundation
Your Eminence, Your Excellencies,
Dear brothers and sisters!
[I was planning to deliver a lengthy address, but I am a bit short of breath; as you can see, this cold is not going away! I am giving you the text so that you can read it for yourselves. I thank all of you for this meeting and for all the good that our Catholic universities do by communicating knowledge, the word of God and an authentic humanism. Never tire of persevering in the splendid mission of Catholic universities. It is not their confessional status that gives them their identity: that is one aspect, but not the only one. It is perhaps that clear humanism which makes people realize that human beings have values and that these need to be respected. This is perhaps the finest and greatest thing about your universities. Thank you very much.]
Click on the image to read the address of the Holy Father
Experience the Federation Centenary Conference in video
Watch the speeches on our YouTube channel
IFCU Declaration on the situation in the Middle East
The International Federation of Catholic Universities strongly condemns the unprecedented outbreak of violence in the Middle East and the violent attacks against innocent citizens. The Federation calls for Peace, tolerance, respect for others, for Human Dignity and International Law.
Click on the image to read the full Statement
Statement by the International Federation of Catholic Universities on the seizure of Catholic universities in Nicaragua
The International Federation of Catholic Universities strongly condemns the seizure of universities by the Nicaraguan government as a grave act of aggression against the freedom, quality and autonomy of education. The recent confiscation of the assets and the attacks against the leadership, faculty and students of the Universidad Centroamericana in Managua destroys a globally recognized pillar of higher education and infringes on the right of access to quality education for thousands of students. This action builds on the previous closure in March of the San Juan Pablo II University in a deliberate attack against Catholic higher education.
Click on the image to read the full Statement
The Association of Southeast and East Asian Catholic Colleges and Universities (ASEACCU) formed in 1991 and has grown to include Catholic colleges and universities across the regions of East and Southeast Asia. We function as a forum for members to engage in open dialogue, share resources, and reflect on our identities as Catholic institutions. As an affiliated association of the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU), we represent East and Southeast Asian Catholic higher education to the rest of the Catholic world and beyond.
Click on the image to visit the ASEACCU Website
30th ASEACCU Annual Conference “What makes a Catholic University Catholic? Expressing and Integrating Identity and Mission”
The 30th ASEACCU Annual Conference was held from August 21st to Aug 23rd, 2024, in Sydney, Australia. An important and annual gathering within the ASEACCU community, this year’s Conference was hosted by the Australian Catholic University (ACU) and welcomed over 200 Conference delegates and guests.
On August 22, IFCU sponsored the following Rector’s Panel: Catholic universities and social impact – what does the future hold with the participation of Prof. Zlatko Skrbis (ACU), Prof. Lucia Shih-Ling Lin (Providence University), Prof. Francis Yi Chen Lan (Fu Jen Catholic University) and our President Prof. Isabel Capeloa Gil (Catholic University of Portugal)
Building Bridges: Communication, Identity and Trust – Rome, September 16-18, 2024
As part of the centenary of the IFCU, the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in collaboration with ODUCAL, has brought together more than 50 Communicators from Catholic Universities coming from Latin America, Spain and Italy.
The meeting aimed to reflect on the role that those responsible for communication of Catholic universities have in consolidating critical thinking, constructive dialogue and trust.
Replay of the Conference! (Click on the image)
The Conference “The Geopolitics of Higher Education” was organized jointly by IFCU and the COMECE.
Seton Hall Hosts International Think Tank Meeting on the Implementation of Ex Corde Ecclesiae
The Catholic Studies working group of the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU) held an eye-opening meeting about current trends in Catholic higher education and opportunities for universities to put into practice the principles explained in St. John Paul II’s Ex Corde Ecclesiae.
Africa Peace and Development Network Webinar – 27 November – “Values and Competencies of Peace Professionalism: Solidarity, Capacity and Ethical Practice in Turbulent Times”
Our next training session “Leading Catholic Universities in the XXIst Century” will be organized from September 14 to 19, 2025. It will be hosted by the Pontifical Irish College.
Our 2024 session focused on the specificity of Catholic identity, including the nature of a Catholic university, the Catholic intellectual tradition, etc. It was also oriented to specific issues in the management, quality assurance and social responsibility of such institutions. The group composed by university executives coming from Angola, Congo DR, France, Lebanon, Palestine, Nigeria, The Philippines, Uganda and Uruguay attended a Papal Audience and met with authorities of the Dicastery for Culture and Education and AVEPRO.