Our webinars

IFCU organizes monthly webinars for catholic universities, both IFCUmembers and no members.

Foresight Webinar
´In January 2021, IFCU launched a monthly online series of live 30-minute interviews with leading figures from the higher-education sector, whether they are academics, administrators, professionals, or members of international organizations. The exchange focussed on aspects of their activity, on an initiative or an innovation that can bring our members new information, new inspiration… or both! Video recordings will be made available to those unable to attend the event live.

Since then, IFCU is organizing a monthly webinar about major trends in higher education

Webinar about catholic identities of IFCU members
IFCU member universities are extremely diverse, by their history, their charisms, their cultural implantation. In order to enrich our understanding of what the Catholic identity / Catholic identities represents of our universities, IFCU organizes a monthly webinar on this subject, during which a member university presents the way in which it understands and implements its Catholic identity, presentation followed by a debate with the participants.

Research Talks
CIRAD-IFCU has launched a series of webinars entitled « Research Talks » aimed at covering some of today’s major trends in the research field. The webinars welcome one or two speakers each month, who will present an overview of a selected trend at a national, regional or global scale based on their own works and experience. Presentations are followed by half an hour of informal debate and interaction with participants. The Talks take place in English, French or Spanish depending on the guest(s) and the regions targeted.

Contact: Loïc ROCHE