
The IFCU NEW FRONTIER Forum is a unique opportunity for all stakeholders in Catholic higher education institutions around the world to attend presentations and debates led by leading figures in the Catholic academic world. Participation in the Forum will allow all those who have registered for the event to have a 360° view of the challenges, future developments and strategies best suited to respond to the upheavals and major trends in higher education in the specific context of Catholic higher education.

IFCU organizes two forums each year: the New Frontiers forum and a forum specifically on the internationalization of higher education.

1. Forum internationalisation

Session 2020 : « Internationalization and risks ».

IFCU has organized an online forum on October 12 and 13, in collaboration with the Australian Catholic University (ACU) and Aléas. This forum will address the issues universities face in their internationalization process and the risks they face in a global competitive environment. This online forum aims to discuss these issues, such as risk management – especially in the situation of the Covid19 epidemic – as well as the best practices put in place to find concrete and sustainable solutions.


Session 2021, « Internationalization and digitalization »

1. New Frontiers Forum

Forum 2019: Catholic universities and the new frontiers of the health sciences

The International Federation of Catholic Universities is proud to announce its new annual New Frontiers for University Leaders Forum.
New Frontiers for University Leaders Forum, to be held in Rome at the Centro Congressi
Augustinianum, on November 4 and 5. This event is dedicated to the main challenges facing global societies and the issues and
global societies and the cutting-edge issues and topics that are leading to the transformation of the university.
the university.
The forum will provide university leaders with an opportunity to learn about the latest challenges and transformations arising from the new frontiers of science.
stemming from the new frontiers of science in healthcare, biotechnology, artificial intelligence and automation, as well as the impact of societal transformations and climate change.
the impact of societal transformations and climate change on strategies, policies, and self-definition of the university as a site of research and development.
definition of the university as a site of knowledge production.

Forum 2020: Catholic Universities and AI

The International Federation of Catholic Universities (FIUC) is organizing on October 19 and 20,
2020, its NEW FRONTIER Forum on the theme of artificial intelligence, the revolution it brings to universities and how universities can adapt to this revolution.
brings to universities and how Catholic universities can meet this challenge. The site
event was conceived and planned before the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. The site
unprecedented upheaval that this crisis has caused in higher education around the world and
and the resulting massive transfer of all teaching and learning programs online has only heightened
the urgency of the issue. AI-based technology had already penetrated an ever-widening range of
of academic institutions and activities over the past decade. By all accounts, this trend
is expected to accelerate with unexpected speed in the wake of the pandemic.

Forum 2023: The event will take place in Rome in November 2023.

The theme will be announced at a later date.


Contact: Loïc ROCHE